Property Partnerships


A real estate limited partnership denotes a group of investors that pool their money to invest in the purchase, development, and leasing of property. It is among the many forms of real estate investment groups. Under the limited partnership status, a real estate limited partnership has a general partner that assumes full liability along with one or more limited partners that are only liable to the extent of their contribution.

The general partner is normally a corporation, an experiences property manager, or a developer of a real estate firm. Further, the limited partners are just external investors that provide capital in exchange for investment returns. Under the American tax code, the partnerships are not taxed. Instead, perform a pass-through and send all their income to the partners.

Therefore, a real estate limited partnership is a limited partnership organized to primarily invest in real estate. Further, limited partners are simply hands-off investors while general managers are in charge of the daily activities. Real estate limited partnerships could also provide high returns with corresponding high risks. Moreover, real estate limited partnerships provide certain tax benefits as they pass income through the partners.

Understanding real estate limited partnership

A real estate limited partnership provides partners with the chance to invest in diverse portfolios of real estate investments. Further, real estate limited partnerships are among the many options available to persons that are interested in making real estate investment exposures. They also include real estate’s investment trusts, managed investment funds, among other real estate portfolio options. A real estate limited partnership could also provide higher returns than most options while but they pose higher risks.

Depending on the make of the limited partnership, partners could be involved in managing the business. Further, partnership agreements include details of the full provisions of the business entity. Such includes minimum fees, investments, distribution, voting partners, among others. Some partnerships also embrace a collaborative forum structure for investment of decisions. However, others leave the main management functions to certain executives. Generally, management teams identify source and identify deals before they invest the group’s capital.

Furthermore, real estate limited partnership are marketed with detailed partnership agreements that define the entity terms and investment opportunities. They thus generally target high-net-worth persons and institutional investors. Some of them need accredited investor status for the limited partnership status.

Special Considerations

The majority of the real estate limited partnerships have a narrow focus. They could provide the business structure for constructing a residential neighborhood, a business plaza, and a shopping center. Further, they specialize in real estate niches like retirement developments and high value commercial property. Some real estate limited partnerships accept investments between five thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars. However, this is inadequate to purchase units. The partnerships thus pool resources from various investors to fund the property that is co-owned and shared.

Real estate limited partnerships could have high returns and high risk thus making due diligence significant to potential investors. The terms of the agreement could require the limited partners to commit to a lump sum contribution, contributions scheduled over time, or to solicited contributions.

Moreover, funds that are invested in limited partnerships are normally liquid. Hence the investors can not bail out at any given time. Moreover, there could be flexibility for several business activities in the portfolio. A real estate limited partnership may directly invest in real estate property, issue credit for real estate borrowers or even participate in collaborative business deals.

Role of partners in a real estate limited partnership

The general partners normally have vested interest in a partnership and provides capital. Further, the general partners have a direct role in managing the business. Designated persons then serve as the board of directors and are involved in the daily management of the business. Generally, the general partners play an active role in making decisions.

Limited partnerships have limited liability and it normally comes with limited influence and involvement in the governance of the entity. Further, some entities set up advisory boars or communication means. Such is meant to encourage the participation and insights of limited partners. Generally, the limited partners are normally hands-off investors. Moreover, the limited partners receive dividend distributions and pass-through income yearly that entail part of their returns. Moreover, most limited partnerships have a fixed-term lifespan such that the partners receive principals at certain time of the maturity date.

Taxes and real estate limited partnerships

Just like most partnerships, a real estate limited partnership does not have to pay taxes. The net losses and income are passed through the partners yearly. Such required the partnership to file certain forms with the internal revenue service. They are also required to report income distributions through certain partners. Further, all the partners in the business entity receive distributions throughout the years as well as distribution of income. The real estate limited partnership is also responsible for providing every partner with details of the income received every year. The partners are then required to report their individual income appropriately. More importantly, real estate limited partnerships do not pay taxes directly. The losses or net income are passed along to the investors that are responsible for reporting taxes.

Benefits of real estate limited partnerships

Just like most investments, there are several cons and pros of real estate limited partnership. Some of the advantages include:

  • Economies of scale. Through combining resources, investors are able to invest in larger and more profitable real estate deals than they can afford individually.
  • Tax savings. Real estate limited partnerships are structured as pass-through business entities. Hence the real estate limited partnerships do not pay taxes on their income. The income and losses from the partnership pass through to investors and are claimed on the income tax returns at corporate and individual rates. Further, each partner receives a form detailing the income or losses for the year.
  • Less work load and liability. Limited partners, though they own property, do not take part in the daily management of the business are protected from unexpected debts and costs
  • The potential for increased returns. Investors of real estate limited partnerships may look for general annualized returns ranging between 5% and 15 %. Such depends on the form of property. In booming years, they realize as much as 25% or 30% profits on the property.

Risks associated with real estate limited partnerships

Persons interested in real estate partnerships should consider several aspects. Such include:

  1. Inadequate liquidity. Real estate partnerships are normally long-term forms of investment. Hence, it is almost impossible to find someone willing to purchase a limited partner interest. One could typically have to wait till the property is sold and the profits are split to get their money returned.
  2. There are no guarantees. More often, the real estate market fluctuates. The project costs could be more than the initial budget. Some of the real estate limited partnership could also have trouble getting zone approvals and permits they require. Such could delay or do away with the proposed projects hence negatively impacting the returns.
  • Looming trust issues. In a real estate partnership, the general partner has control over the business operations of the partnership. Hence the limited partners are compelled to trust in them and hope they will effectively run the partnership.

The financial take away

Real estate limited partnerships allow investors to pull their resources to purchase and develop real estates. For the general partners, the partnerships provide income and easy access to the capital required to fund greater deals and projects. Meanwhile, limited investors are allowed to invest in real estate and earn passive returns without daily ownership responsibilities.

However, passivity goes both ways. The limited partners are more dependent on the management and skill abilities of the general partners. Further, their liability is restricted. However, they can still lose all their investments. Real estate partnerships are also exposed to the downs and ups of the real estate market. If a partnership has few properties of certain kinds, its likelihood for loss is more concentrated. Basically, real estates yield increased returns compared to real estate investment options. Nonetheless, the returns come at an increased risk. Further, investors ought to have tolerance for the same along with the patience to await returns and have their money tied up.


A RELP is formed with the intention of lasting for an infinite period. In its lifetime, it functions like a small company. It creates business plans and identifies property to buy and manage, develop, and ultimately sell. The profits are then distributed along the way. After the dispatch of the holdings, the partnerships are dissolved. Further, there is no definite term for RELPs. The limited partnerships exist for varied durations, from months to years. Such is based on the business entity plan with the target investments.



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