THIS MOTOR VEHICLE RELEASE (hereinafter, “this Agreement”), effective as of [DATE], is made and entered into by and between: [NAME] of [ADDRESS] (hereinafter “Releasor”),  and [NAME] of [ADDRESS] (hereinafter, “Releasee”).

WHEREAS, both the Releasor’s and the Releasee’s vehicles got into an accident resulting to the Releasor’s car, a 2018 Toyota RAV4, being damaged in the rear; and

WHEREAS, the Releasee seeks to be released by the Releasor from any and all actions, debts, accounts, claims and demands, following the repair he made to the said vehicle; and 

In consideration of the covenants and agreements contained in this agreement and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties to this agreement agrees as follows:

  • Consideration

In consideration of the repair Releasee made to Releasor’s 2018 Toyota RAV 4, the Releasor releases and forever discharges the Releasee from all manner of actions, cases of actions, causes of actions, debts, accounts, claims and demands for or by any reason of any damage which has been or may be sustained as a consequence of a motor vehicle accident involving the Releasor’s vehicle and the vehicle driven by the Releasee, which occurred as a result of the motor vehicle accident described below.

  • Concurrent release

The Releasor acknowledges that this agreement is given with the express intention of effecting the extinguishment of certain obligations owed to the Releasor and with the intention of binding the Releasor and any of his representatives thereof. 

  • Full and Final Statement


  1. The Releasor further understands and acknowledges that the Releasor might have suffered injuries or complications and that the consideration mentioned above was determined taking into account both known and unknown claims. 


  1. The parties to this Agreement agree not to make claim or take proceedings against any other person or corporation which might claim contribution or indemnity under the provisions of any statute or otherwise.


  1. It is declared that the terms of this settlement are fully understood; the type of consideration stated is the sole consideration for this agreement and that the settlement is accepted voluntarily for the purpose of making a full and final compromise, adjustment and settlement of all claims for injuries, losses and damages resulting or which might result from the above described motor vehicle accident.


  1. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties to this settlement and the terms of this agreement are contractual and legally binding. 

  • No Admission of Liability

Both parties agree that the repair is not esteemed to be an admission of guilt or innocence of either party or any other party thereof.

  • Governing Law

This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [STATE]


The Releasor and Releasee have duly affixed their signatures under hand and seal on this [DATE] day of [month], [year]

____________________________                            ____________________________

        Name of Releasor                                                                          Signature


____________________________                            ____________________________

      Name of Releasee                                                                        Signature


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