This agreement is entered into between [NAME OF THE MENTOR/ ORGANISATION] and [NAME OF THE MENTEE] 

  • The service
      1. We provide individual training and mentorship in regards to bookkeeping and accounting for businesses. In addition to this, we provide mentorship on how to run your business. 
      2. Our training packages range from a one hour package to an 8-hour package depending on the agreement between you and us.
  • Training
  1. Bookkeeping Training sessions focuses on the individual issues facing your business and answers your specific questions in regards to your business.
  2. In Merge bookkeeping, we give an in-depth training on how to avoid mistakes that might be common in bookkeeping. 
  3. For convenience purposes, the training sessions shall be recorded so that you can access it anytime in the future.
  4. In-office training may be split into two separate visits. However, the Crash Course Plan shall entail only one visit. 

  • Communication

We attend to your questions and concerns though email or through direct calls

  • Payment

The mentee shall pay for the services provided as consideration. You shall be billed according to the package agreed upon by you and us. 

  • Confidentiality & Copyright of Materials 

The mentor will treat the mentee’s writing and any communication in full confidence and not share that work or any communication with anyone else. The mentor owns copyright to any of the mentor’s own writings delivered as part of the mentorship.

  • Termination

We are committed to open and honest communication in our relationship. We will discuss and attempt to resolve any conflicts as they arise. If, however, one of us needs to terminate the relationship for any reason, we agree to abide by one another’s decision.

Any payments owed to the company by the mentee shall be paid upon termination.


SIGNED: Mentee Date


SIGNED: Mentor Date


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