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Ref: Request for a Reconsideration of your Decision


This letter serves as my plea for a reconsideration of the decision made by the disciplinary committee to terminate my employment. Accordingly, I have stated herein my side of the story and included all relevant facts to my utmost knowledge and belief.  


The subject matter of this letter began when Reem Al-Roomi (hereinafter, “Reem”) and I shared passwords recently via Microsoft teams due to work related transactions. Shortly thereafter, Reem started experiencing a hard time and was crying at some point. Interestingly, on or about June 19, 2021, at 12: 41 am, someone accessed her account and submitted a resignation letter. At 12.42 am, the same person accessed my account and approved the resignation. Upon receiving the message I accessed her account and withdrew the resignation letter immediately.  


On the following day, I informed my manager that Reem had submitted her resignation. However, I did not state that I had withdrawn the resignation letter. Accordingly, my boss sent an email to the HR to investigate the matter. 


Consequently, I was issued a show cause letter by the disciplinary committee on the grounds that that I had stolen Reem’s account details, impersonated her and lied to my manager. The hearing was set on or about June 30, 2021. During the hearing, the committee asked me whether I used my computer between 12 am to 6 am. In my response, I informed the committee that I was online around 4 am but I did not do any of the actions alleged against me. Furthermore, I stated that on that day, I left the office at 9 pm, went home, and slept. Therefore there was no possibility that I could have done the said actions. Shockingly, the committee alleged that the same IP that was used to tender the resignation was used at 4 am.   


Following the hearing, the Committee fired me and gave me until July 31, 2021 to leave the employment. It is worth noting that I received no supporting document for the same.     


After I received the notice of termination of my employment, I came to my senses and decided to do my investigations. I found out from my CCTV that I was never near my computer during the time it was alleged that I committed the acts. 


In light of the foregoing, I contend that I was erroneously dismissed from my employment. First, I was not ready for the hearing since I was fully confident that I am innocent, and I will be proven innocent. I also find fault with the procedure of the investigation and hearing when my computer was taken one day of before the hearing and was never returned. 


It hurts when an innocent individual is subjected to punishment for a mistake he never did. It is also against the rules of natural justice to subject one to such treatment. The termination of my employment has left me emotionally distressed. Most notably, I am highly troubled that I am being punished for a mistake I never did.  


Therefore, I humbly request my case to be reviewed in light of my averments herein. 


I am looking forward to your positive response. 


Yours sincerely,



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