Please accept my greetings. My name is XXX, an American citizen currently residing in the XXX. I am married and have two
children living with me here. I am the founder and CEO of the tech company, Simple Dealer. XXXX has been my
employee since August XXX, working as a software engineer.
I am writing to kindly confirm my intentions of sponsoring his intended study at XXXX University in XXX. He is a brilliant and
hardworking young man; committed to excellence. I have identified his potential and consider him an asset to my company.
However, I believe he needs further training to build on his potential. As such, I encouraged him to apply for this program and
willingly offered to sponsor him when he gained admission to this renowned university.
Furthermore, based on an agreement between him and myself (reference attached), we will cover all the costs of his study and he
will return back to Ghana immediately after completing his study to continue working for my company. His salary will also be
immensely improved to match his qualification. The details of our sponsorship to him for his three-year study includes but is not
limited to: tuition, housing, food, books and travel. Total funds available on paper to sponsor him is 45,000 U.S dollars but I am
willing to make more funds available to him for any contingency costs which may arise during his stay.
As further proof of my willingness and ability to fund this endeavor of Reginald, I have already paid his full tuition and
accommodation deposit fees for the first year. We have submitted their respective receipts, my id, bank statements, sponsorship
agreement, and other relevant business documents for your perusal.
I hope this letter as well as all other financial support documents submitted are enough to clear any doubts Visa Officers had with
regards to availability funding for XXX. Do not hesitate to contact me, however, should you require any additional information.
We hope to hear a favorable response from you at the earliest possible so he may plan all matters accordingly. Thank you.



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