






Dear Sir/Madam,

Pursuant to the complaint made by our client through a letter titled “___________________” and dated ___________________, 20____ , the purpose of this letter is to enquire various things that need to be addressed. This letter is also attached to a document (herein ‘‘the document’’) which contains a clear scope of the historical events following the injustices that were made against our client.

This letter enquires the following;

  1. Why the FBI responsible for this case never took any action to assist our client after our client underwent series of injustices in the American Soil as far as our client is concerned. 
  2. Why the FBI did not assist in the prosecution of the perpetrators who were US Citizens who stole millions from our client’s company and from him.
  3. Why the FBI in conjunction with the Consular officer banned our client from obtaining a visa.
  4. Why the FBI was instrumental in banning our client from visiting the United States despite our client being a green card holder by then and a resident who was established with a company running legally in the United States. Further, our client served as a marine in the United States between the years 2003 and 2019.
  5. Why the US government took an issue with my client after my Client reported the incident annexed in the document instead of helping my client.
  6. Why, after all the services that my client undertook in serving the United States missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other regions, my client is banned from the same country he did service for and denied even a tourist permit to enter the country despite having roots, a company and associates in the same county.

For this reason, our client is an aggrieved person whose rights were violated by the US citizens as the annexed document narrates and further his rights have been violated by the FBI for not taking any action. This can be termed as justice denied to our client.   

The FBI has a legal obligation to act in an expeditious manner when such rights are violated in its soil. My client believes that the action by the FBI may constitute to discrimination on grounds of his original nationality which, since time immemorial has been associated with vices like terrorism. However, my client is a law abiding citizen without any certified criminal record in any jurisdiction. He is a hardworking man who managed to set up companies that supply refined fuel and also served as a Marine for the United States.

It is in the best interest of both my client and the FBI to resolve this matter as soon as possible. My Client expects response as soon as possible and if for any reason our client cannot be assisted in this matter, it would be best if we are informed of the reasons in writing so that we can agree on the way forward because my client believes that there ought to be a redress for the injustices and the loss incurred by him. 

We look forward to a hasty response by your department.





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