According to Florida statute, 408. 809(4), an employee may continue to perform her duties and her employer may continue to allow her to have contact with any vulnerable person that would place the employee in a role that requires background screening while her application for exemption from disqualification by the agency is being processed and under review. 

In the event where you have a license as a licensed healthcare provider, it is wise to keep it active at all times and you should submit any renewal forms and correct any omissions to prevent your license from expiring.

In light of the above statement and the response given to you by Ms. Robinson, submit the necessary requested documents and a new application.  In case you need help in drafting, send the necessary details so that I may draft it on your behalf.  In addition to those details, send the other documents that you had sent earlier to them i.e. the applications and any other relevant documents. Always attach the exemption from disqualification letters.

You stated that AHCA is your nemesis meaning that they might treat your case/issue with prejudice. If you are certain that they might attempt this, write a letter to them informing them of this observation. Give them a clear scope on the unfair treatment they are directing towards you. In case you need help in drafting, send the necessary details and events that show their prejudice towards your case for documentation purposes.

It is a matter of right and not favor that you should be given equal treatment especially in such sensitive circumstances. 

If there are any documents that should be drafted, kindly send the necessary details.  I have attached a Background Screening Application for Exemption in case you need it.

At Legal writing experts, we would be happy to assist in preparing any legal document you need. We are international lawyers and attorneys with significant experience in legal drafting, Commercial-Corporate practice and consulting. In the last few years, we have successfully undertaken similar assignments for clients from different jurisdictions. If given this opportunity, we will be able to prepare the legal document within the shortest time possible.