Legal Opinion

Type of Contract

It depends on whether or not you and the admins had signed a written contract. 

If you and the admins had signed a written contract, then your work is cut out for you. You can sue the admins for breach of contract and ask the court to grant you an order of specific performance compelling them to pay you, damages and other awards the court may deem fit to grant.

If you and the admins had not signed a written contract, then what exists is an implied contract. It is implied by actions, conduct and circumstances. What you need to do is to prove that the implied contract is valid. Next, you must be able to prove to a court that there was breach of that contract. Show that the breach has had a detrimental effect on your financial and mental welfare. If you are able to sufficiently establish the listed factors, you have a good case. Sue the other admins for breach and the court will award damages.

Transfer of Ownership

The only lawful way you can be pushed out of the station is if you cease being a member of the LLC. When registering the station, did you sign the LLC’s Operating Agreement? It should outline how the station would function. It should also outline the procedure to be followed for a member of the LLC to cease being a member. If there is no LLC Operating Agreement, the laws of Georgia will apply.

As per the laws of Georgia, only you can choose to cease to be a member of the station. Even so, there is a procedure to be followed. Until then, the admins’ actions of pushing you out of the station are unlawful. The withdrawal of funds by an admin to their personal account amounts to fraud. It’s a good thing the station is registered. 

At Legal writing experts, we would be happy to assist in preparing any legal document you need. We are international lawyers and attorneys with significant experience in legal drafting, Commercial-Corporate practice and consulting. In the last few years, we have successfully undertaken similar assignments for clients from different jurisdictions. If given this opportunity, we will be able to prepare the legal document within the shortest time possible.