Ray Johnson

Natick Hospital

67 Union Street

Natick, MA 01760


February 8, 2021

The Common Wealth of Massachusetts

Commission Against Discrimination

One Ashburton Place

Boston, MA 02108

Phone: (617) 994-6000

Fax: (617) 994-6024


To whom it may concern, 

This is to contest the discrimination allegations put forward by Elizabeth Gay, my former co-worker. The discrimination allegations by Elizabeth are untrue and unfounded.

Elizabeth Gay and I frequently chat on various topics ranging from the weather and sports to various historical sites. Our messages are friendly, and they do not impute any form of discrimination.

Her discrimination allegations are based on a starved black man’s picture, which I sent to her on our chats to indicate that I was hungry. I am a black man of an open mind who understands the negative impacts of discrimination. I care about other people’s feelings, and in no way can I discriminate against another based any their race, beliefs, health, culture, dress, color, age, disability, conscience, language, birth, among others. 

Elizabeth’s response to the picture was with humor. Therefore, her current allegations are unfounded and trivial since my intentions were not to discriminate against her or any person whatsoever. 

My statements herein are factual within my knowledge. 

Yours truly, 

Ray Johnson

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