- Explain how the juvenile justice system relates to the law enforcement branch of the criminal justice system
Juveniles, just like adults, have various rights before trial like the police should have probable cause before making arrests, juveniles have a right to a phone call when held in custody, and juveniles have a constitutional right to notice of charges against them as well as a right to a public defender if they cannot afford to hire a private attorney. In cases where a juvenile is found delinquent, he/she can be taken to a training school, reformatory, or school-to-prison pipeline. One may be taken to the school-to-prison pipeline if they are more susceptible to crime and show zero tolerance to crime. In instances where a juvenile commits a petty offense, he/she may be put under a school resource officer to counsel and help create awareness on the effect of crime.
- Explain how the juvenile justice system relates to the court branch of the criminal justice system.
Juvenile justice mainly focuses on the restorative model. The restorative model focuses on balancing offenders, victims, and communities (Bazemore and Umbreit, 1995). The juvenile system does not focus on the act or omission of the child but the individual. The juvenile court system is informal when compared with the adult system. Procedural safeguards like the right to request bail, right to a jury trial are unnecessary because the proceedings are carried out in the child’s best interest (Joan, 2001).
The juvenile court procedures are not open to the public, and the juvenile records are kept confidential. Juveniles are charged with delinquencies, not crimes, they are not declared guilty but are rather adjudicated delinquent, and they are kept in training schools and reformatory as opposed to prison.
- Explain how the juvenile justice system relates to the corrections branch of the criminal justice system
Juveniles who have been adjudicated delinquent work with parole officers, and when held in reformatory, they are separated from adults. Juvenile probation officers oversee the adolescents who are on parole or probation. They offer counseling to adolescents to eliminate some behavioral issues and help them change. Probation officers collaborate with parents and adolescents to ensure compliance with court terms. Juveniles are also separated from adults to avoid criminalization of children through contact with adult offenders. Also, juveniles are separated because the aim of the criminal justice system for them is different.
- Explain how social media relates to communication skills that are important in your topic
Social media has become prevalent in society with increased access to the internet. Social media is used by school-going children, youths, parole officers, prosecutors, parents, and most people in the criminal justice system. Social media is a source of information as well as an interaction tool. Social media can improve communication skills such as giving and receiving feedback, empathy, respect and adapting your communication style to your audience. Through social media, officers in the juvenile justice system can adapt their communication style to communicate with juveniles properly.
- Explain how active listening is a communication skill important in your topic
Active listening is an important communication skill for parole officers and prosecutors who handle the juveniles. Active listening is important for prosecutors because they listen and adjudicate on the case before them, which involves juveniles. To come up with a fair and detailed conclusion, prosecutors need to listen to the juvenile actively. Parole officers also need to practice active listening to be aware of the juvenile’s needs. Generally, active listening is an essential skill.
6. Explain how cultural awareness is an important skill in your topic
Cultural awareness is an important skill for prosecutors and school resource officers to handle and understand situations better. Research shows that some causes of delinquency among youths and children are because of their cultural background. Also, some of the behaviors among the delinquents can be attributed to their cultural background. Therefore, those officers need to be culturally aware so they can handle situations better.
Communication in the Criminal Justice Field (2020), Criminology and Criminal Justice, Retrieved on October 24, 2020 https://onlinedegrees.kent.edu/sociology/criminal-justice/community/communicating-in-criminal-justice
David C. (2015),Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Juveniles to the Juvenile Justice System for Less Serious Offenses, Criminal Justice Policy Review, Retrieved on October 24,2020 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0887403415610167?journalCode=cjpa
Gordon B. (2020), Rethinking the Sanctioning Function in Juvenile Court: Retributive or Restorative Responses to Youth Crime, Retrieved on October 24, 2020 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249718602_Rethinking_the_Sanctioning_Function_in_Juvenile_Court_Retributive_or_Restorative_Response_to_Youth_Crime
Joan M. (2001), Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice, National Academies Press, Retrieved on October 24, 2020 https://www.nap.edu/catalog/9747/juvenile-crime-juvenile-justice
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