Business Owner: _____________
Company: ______________
Phone No: ____________
Email: _____________
Address: _____________

Investor name: ___________
Phone No: _____________
Email: ______________
Address: _____________

Whereas, THE Business Owner is the owner of the Business and manages the

Investment of the Investor;

Whereas, The Investor is willing to invest with the Company;
NOW THEREFORE, the Parties intend to be legally bound as follows:

    The Investor will invest 70k (60k cash and 10k business credit) in the business of Ace
    International Ventures LLC in the following instalments: 30 k in the first month of the
    business and 30 k in the business the next month. Money will be allocated 1 month of
    The Investor shall maintain the books, records and other documents required by the
    Law. Additionally, the Business Owner agrees to use best efforts to cause the
    Investment to make profits and to keep the Investor’s investments safe and secure.
    In consideration of the Investment management and security offered by the Business
    Owner, the Investor Manager will be reimbursed as follows: 25% of the entire business
    of Ace International Ventures LLC. The Investor will get 25% of the Business profits

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The term of the investment period shall commence on ____ and
continue effectively for the existence period of the business.

    5.1 Protection of Confidential Information
    The parties may provide each other with confidential information and trade secrets,
    including without limitation, information on their respective organization, business,
    finances, personnel, services, systems, pricing, structure, proprietary products and
    processes, transactions and/or business relations (collectively, the “Information”). The
    term “Information” shall not include (i) information generally available to the public
    through no fault of the other Party, (ii) information which the other Party already had
    knowledge of, or (iii) information which has become part of the public domain through
    no fault of the other Party. Each Party agrees to retain in confidence at all times and to
    require its employees, consultants, professional representatives and agents to retain in
    confidence all information disclosed by the other Party. Each Party shall only use the
    other’s information solely for the purpose of performing obligations under this
    Agreement, and only disclose the Confidential Information on a need-to-know basis.
    Each party shall take all necessary precautions in handling the Confidential Information
    of the other party and limit disclosures on a strict need-to-know basis. Further, the
    receiving Party may disclose information to the extent ordered to be disclosed by
    subpoena, other legal process or requirement of law, after first giving the disclosing
    Party a reasonable opportunity to contest such disclosure requirement.
    5.2 Injunctive Relief
    Each Party acknowledges and agrees that any use or disclosure of Confidential
    Information by the Party in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement
    may cause another Party harm which will not be compensable by monetary damages
    alone and, accordingly, such other Party will, in addition to other available legal or
    equitable remedies, be entitled to seen an immediate injunction restraining the
    disclosing Party from committing or continuing to commit a breach. A Party may avail
    itself of injunctive relief in addition and without prejudice to any other remedies available
    to it.
    The Investor is a joint venture with the Business Owner. The Investor does not have any
    express or implied power to enter any contracts or commitments or to incur liabilities in
    the name of, or on behalf of the Business Owner, or to bind the Business Owner in any
    respect whatsoever.
    If either party to this Agreement is rendered unable, wholly or in part, by reason of a
    Force Majeure Event to perform obligations under this Agreement, then such obligations
    SHALL be suspended to the extent affected by the Force Majeure Event.

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    The Parties will attempt to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this
    Agreement through negotiation. If the matter is not resolved by negotiation, the parties
    will resolve to mediation. If mediation does not successfully resolve the dispute, the
    parties may seek to resolve the matter through adjudication.
    This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes
    any previous written or oral agreement. This Agreement is binding on all parties and it
    may be modified at any time, provided there is written consent from both parties.
    The parties agree that if any portion of this Contract is found to be void or
    unenforceable, it shall be struck from the record, and the remaining provisions will retain
    the full force and effect.
    This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the state laws of Texas.
    Venue for any action under this Agreement shall lie in any court of competent
    jurisdiction in Texas.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is duly executed by the parties or their duly
authorized representatives as set forth below:
Name: ________________
Signature: ___________
Date: _______________
Name: ___________
Signature: ___________
Date: _________________

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