THIS INFLUENCER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter the “Agreement”) is
made and entered into this day of [Date] [Month] [Year] will constitute an Agreement
between [CLIENT’S NAME] (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and Nadia Worsley
(CEO) of Twelve 88 Agency (hereafter referred to as “Agency”) for desired service(s)
listed on the New Client Form. This contract will be valid for 5 months starting from
[Date] [Month] [Year].

The Agency and the Client may be referred to individually as “Party” and
collectively as “the Parties”.

WHEREAS, the Client is desirous of the management services (“Management
Services”) provided by the Agency;
WHEREAS, the Agency has agreed to render the Management Services described
hereinafter in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements contained in this
Influencer Management Agreement, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, agree
as follows:
1. Purpose of this Agreement:
Agency is an Influencer/Talent Manager Agency and Client is an
Influencer/Talent/Creator. Under the terms of this Agreement, Agency will provide
Client with management Services.

2. Management Services:
The Agency agrees to provide Client with the following personal Management Services
during the term of this Agreement:
a) Customized PR campaigns;
b) Creation and distribution of press releases and media outlets;
c) Eight (8) media outlet pitches per month;

d) Securing and scheduling media interviews;
e) Assisting with community relations and partnership development;
f) Monthly client packages, which includes pitch activity report, potential
publicity opportunities, and additional branding/publicity tips;
g) Wrap up report;
h) Five (5)-month contract (either party can cancel this Agreement in writing at
any time)

3. Term:
The term of this Agreement is five (5) months commencing on the Effective Date
__________[Date] _________[Month, ______[Year] (“Initial Term”).
4. Client Contact Information:
Full Name:
Phone Number:
5. Agency Contact Information:
Company Name: Twelve 88 Agency
Founder/ Senior Publicist:
Phone Number:
6. Management Fee:
As compensation for the Management Services provided by Agency, Agency shall be
entitled to retain twenty (20%) of Client’s secured brand deals or other consideration
which Client receives from all Client’s activities in the influencer industry during the
Term which is secured by Agency (“Management Fee”).
The Management Fee will apply to any monies received after the termination of this
Agreement, if the monies were generated by Agency’s efforts during the term. The

Management Fee will not include monies from any campaign(s) exclusively secured by
Client before the execution of this Agreement unless Agency manages and/or
negotiates the campaign on behalf of Client during the term.
7. Public Relations:
Client hereby agrees that Public Relations (PR) is earned media placements. PR is not
guaranteed placements.

8. Exclusivity:
Client will exclusively use Agency to provide the Management Services during the
term and Client shall not contract with any other person and/or company to provide
similar services as the Management Services during the term. All offers for work,
campaigns, etc. shall be forwarded to Agency and be subject to the terms of this

9. Confidentiality:
All information obtained by Agency from Client shall be confidential. Such information
shall not be used by Agency or disclosed to third parties without prior written consent
from Client. The Client shall not communicate about the Agreement with third

10. Prior agreements and enforceability:
This Agreement supersedes and replaces anything that the Parties have agreed to on
this subject matter before the Effective Date. If a court determines that any term or
part of a term of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or enforceable, the rest if the
Agreement will remain in effect.

11. Termination
This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the end of the term of the

This Agreement shall also terminate at both Parties sole discretion upon seven (7)
days prior written notice.
Agency may terminate this Agreement if there is a willful breach of any material
made by Client hereunder.
Agency may terminate this Agreement if Client fails to honor and/or pay the
Management Service Fee.

12. Assignment:
This Agreement may be freely assigned by Agency but may only be assigned by Client
with Agency’s prior written approval.

13. Amendments:
All changes to this Agreement will only be valid and binding on the Parties, if they are
made in writing and signed by both Parties.

14. Waiver:
Waiver of one breach of this Agreement is not waiver of any other breach.

15. Dispute resolution:
All disputes or differences which shall at any time arise between the Parties
concerning any matter in relation to this Agreement shall be resolved amicably
through conciliation, negotiation or Arbitration.

16. Governing Law:
This Agreement will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of
the State of California without giving effect to its conflict of laws principles.

17. Entire Agreement:
This contract represents the complete agreement between the parties. As such, any
changes or modifications to the contract can only be made by a mutual agreement of
the parties in writing.

IN WITNESS, the parties have executed this Employment Agreement in
duplicate on the date and year first above written.

SIGNED by the parties:
CEO/ FOUNDER: Nadia Worsley

Founder/ Senior Publicist

Signature: _________________
Date: _________________
Client Signature: _________________
Date: ________________

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