This Agreement is entered into on this ____________ day of ___________, ________ by and between __________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) and OPULENCE LIFE SOLUTIONS (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and together referred to as the “parties”.

WHEREAS the Company is a tax office in the business of installing Tax software and a Laptop; and

WHEREAS, the Client desires the above-mentioned services; Therefore

The parties have agreed to be legally bound by the following terms and conditions; –

The agreed compensation for the services by the Company is $____________ with a deposit of $100 payable before commencement.

Parties herein agree that once the computer is returned to the Company in the same order and condition as it was received by the Client, they will receive their $100 deposit back.

Parties agree that the Client has the choice to opt-out and use their own desktop or laptop.

In the event the computer is damaged by the Client, they will be responsible for paying for a new computer at the same price and the $100 deposit will not be returned.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have duly signed this Agreement on the date noted below; –


Name: _____________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: ______________________________


Name: _____________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: ______________________________