This Hair Vendor Purchase Agreement is entered on this _____________ day of _____________, by and between ______________________________ (hereinafter the “Buyers”) and ____________________________ (hereinafter the “Seller”). 

The parties agree as follows:


The Seller agrees to deliver to the Buyer credible hair vendor contact information.


In consideration for the contact information provided, the seller shall be paid a sum of $ 1,000. The payment will be good and valuable consideration.


The seller may not sell the vendor’s contact information to any other buyer for no more than $ 10,000. Should the seller sell the vendor’s contact information for less than $ 10,000, the seller would have breached the agreement.


The seller covenants and agrees not to reveal to any person, firm, or corporation confidential information of any nature relating to the vendor or the buyer’s business, or anything connected therewith. The vendor’s work relations with the buyer is part of confidential information.


Any dispute arising between the parties shall be solved in good faith through mediation according to the American Rules of Conciliation and Mediation.


This agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of the State of Illinois.


This Agreement embodies the full understanding and agreement between the Parties and shall supersede all other understandings, verbal or written. All statements, undertakings and representations are made without omission of any material fact, with personal, corporate and legal responsibility.

Each signatory to this Agreement confirms and declares that he or she is empowered, legally qualified and authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement and be bound by its terms and conditions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this agreement as follows:

Buyer name: _______________________

Buyer signature: _____________________

Buyer name: ___________________

Buyer Signature: _________________

Seller name: ___________________

Seller signature: ________________

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