This General Release of Liability is made on this ______ day of ______________ 2021 and reads as follows:
I ______________________, Contact Info: ______________, being the Tenant/Releasor hereby voluntarily and willingly release Simply Get Away LLC, Contact Info: ___________________ being the being the Landlord, together with their employees, from any and all claims of damage and/or loss of my property including but not limited to personal properties and car damage/loss that may occur as a result of me renting the premises located at __________________.
I shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Landlord from and against any and all liability, loss, claims, suits, actions, damages, expenses and causes of action arising out of or related to this Rental Agreement between us for any personal injury, loss of life, and damages to property (1) by reason or as a result of my occupancy thereof, or (2) occurring in or about the Premises, and from and against any order, judgments, or decrees which may be entered thereon, whether or not covered by insurance whatsoever, except where such loss or damage arises from the Landlord’s willful or grossly negligent conduct.
I shall not the Landlord liable for any damage to the property that I or my guests is responsible for. I shall take full responsibility of all damages I cause the property to the kitchen area, rooms and/or the pool.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, USA. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in Florida, USA.
I certify that I have read this document, and I fully understand its content. I am aware that this is a General Release of Liability agreement and a contract that I hereby sign at my own free will.
NAME: ___________________________. DATE ________________________.
SIGNATURE ________________________.
COMPANY’S PRINT NAME: ________________________. DATE ____________________.
SIGNATURE __________________________.
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