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Effects of Covid-19 on Employees and the Role of Leaders

As a result of Corona virus, employees had to work from home in line with government regulations and guidelines. A survey conducted by McKinsey revealed that employees who worked from home had better output and enjoyed doing their work compared to employees who didn’t work remotely. This is because, at home they worked under the best and most comfortable conditions they could afford themselves. The pandemic has demonstrated that there’s a lot that needs to be done to ensure maximum output from employees (Emmett, Schrah, Schrimper, & Wood, 2020).

Coming back to work, leaders should improve and personalize the experience of employees in the workplace. They can do this by looking at skills and talents, mentalities and personal characteristics of individual employees. Organizations usually cater for their customers’ needs individually, not collectively. The same should be done for their employees. This is because employees vary from one employee to another. Their needs are different. Addressing their needs collectively means that some employees will be disgruntled and will not perform effectively. Leaders can tailor the workplace to suit every employee. They should also address challenges faced by employees at the workplace. Leaders should be able to identify employees who seem disturbed. They should then assist wherever possible. Employees will feel part of something good and be motivated. They will be able to work efficiently. With time, there are changes happen in organizations. Leaders should help employees adapt to change (Emmett, Schrah, Schrimper, & Wood, 2020).

Various companies and organizations responded differently to the Covid-19 pandemic. Employees whose organizations responded well had better output compared to those who were dissatisfied by their organizations’ responses. Leaders should make the employees feel as part of the organization. They should share the organization’s goals and purpose. When communicating with employees, leaders should ensure that they pass along the purpose of the organization in their message. Employees will feel motivated knowing they are working towards something bigger than themselves. Leaders should also seek the employees’ input in certain matters, especially those that affect them directly. This will help employees know what they are working towards. They will be able to work more efficiently and give good results (Emmett, Schrah, Schrimper, & Wood, 2020).

Leaders should work to ensure that employees feel comfortable around them in the workplace. They can do this by being more compassionate while exercising authority. Employees will be more open and will express themselves without fear. They will be able to tell leaders the challenges facing them in the workplace. Leaders will address those challenges leading to better output from employees. This will also help to establish trust between leaders and employees (Emmett, Schrah, Schrimper, & Wood, 2020).

Leaders should ensure that there are proper relationships between employees, especially among employees who work from home. Proper relationships will increase coordination among employees working in the same departments. Leaders should also encourage team work among employees. This will ensure better work output. Coming back to work, there should be opportunities for employees to work together. They will be able to share their ideas and make improvements where necessary. Sometimes, conflicts may arise among employees. There should be proper methods of conflict resolution between employees, and employees and leaders. This will enable everyone to do their work smoothly (Emmett, Schrah, Schrimper, & Wood, 2020).

Employees who worked from home were able to experiment with new things. This helped to improve the quality of their work. Leaders should work to develop a culture of inclusion and harmony in the workplace. Employees and leaders should feel they are part of a family. Leaders should give the employees freedom to try out new things without fear of being reprimanded. This will help bring out the creative side of employees. They may also be able to come up with innovations and inventions that will help the organization (Emmett, Schrah, Schrimper, & Wood, 2020).


Emmett, J., Schrah, G., Schrimper, M., & Wood, A. (2020, July). Covid-19 and the Employee Experience: How Leaders Can Seize the Moment. Retrieved from McKinsey & Company:


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