1. O. Box 27014

Los Angeles California 90014

Phone Number (323) 523 4112

Fax Number

Email Address


In Pro Per




DAVID ALOMATSI, an individual,




















Case No.: 



I am a tenant at the house you operate, located at Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, California 90029. As a tenant, I have experienced numerous incidents of harassment by your agents, aiders and abettors at the location mentioned, in the apartment in which I pay rent to live in


On July 31, 2020 Israel showed me the apartment. I didn’t see the bathroom because he said it was occupied. I signed the lease contract and paid the rent and he gave me the keys.

About a few hours later, I noticed that the entire bathroom was unsanitary, the bathtub was filthy and so was the shower curtain. I told Israel that I wanted to get supplies from the dollar store and volunteer to clean it because it’s very easy to do. Israel said “you are not in charge here. If you don’t like is you should leave”


On August 4, 2020 your agent, James, touched by belonging without my consent. I told him to stop and he didn’t. I informed Israel about the issue but he told me if don’t like it, is should leave.


Since I moved in, James has been entering my apartment claiming he is there to take out trash. When is not cleaning on the weekends,, he sits all day and all night at the dining table in the living room across from the bathroom door which is right next my bedroom door. There two TV sets in the living room, one of the TV sets is James positioned at an angle close to the bathroom and my door.


James lives in the downstairs unit. 


James comes into my apartment because Dorm-LA has given him access. He sits at a specific spot at the dining table in the living room in such a way that he is able to the TV screen as well as the bathroom door and my door.


Often in the morning, James sits there at his favorite spot, staring at every half naked man going in and of the bathroom, including me. He sits in such a way that when I come out of either my room or the bathroom, he is facing me and looking right at me. His constant presence, using the need to clean as an excuse, is uncomfortable. He stares at me in a creepy way and that is unwanted and uncomfortable.

I have observed him standing in front of the bathroom door with it was shut, with his ear against the door trying to hear the sounds from the occupant of the bathroom. I do not have a problem with gay people, but another man sitting in a vantage position so he can stare at me all the time is uncomfortable. When James is present, it is impossible to go in and out of the bathroom without him staring at me because his sits at his favorite spot and faces the bathroom door. 

My roommate eats in the bedroom and so do I. 


I have never seen James wearing a mask and so I do not sit in the living room for Covid-19 concerns. He goes back and forth between the apartment units frequently. 


Recently, James and his long-haired white friend from downstairs unit, “Elijah” who have been coming into my apartment to chill in the living room. They have basically seized the living room. They both sit there and stare at me in a  strange ways all the time as I go in and out of my room, the bathroom or the door to the apartment. James’s long-haird friend even enters through the sliding glass doors of the balcony whenever the apartment entrance door is locked. They have basically seized the living room. 


On September 17, 2020 I paid rent through Cashapp on my phone. The transaction was confirmed. Israel refused to give me receipt unless I went into my phone and send him proof of payment. I told him there is proof of payment to Vladimir Isperov, the individual that Israel asked me to pay. I told Israel I was busy and they he needed to sort it out with Vladimir and give me a receipt. Israel demanded that I follow his instructions. He entered my room one after and demanded that I show him proof of payment. I told him payment was complete and that if he wouldn’t give a receipt then he should leave my room. He said he works for Dorm-LA so he had a right to be in my room. I told him again to stop harassing me about rent and leave my room or I’ll call the police. He became furious and threatened to complain to the police that I was engaging in extortion. 


Since I moved in, Israel and his so-called “team” have been acting aggressively toward me. I am vegetarian and I keep my cooking items in a separate kitchen cupboard. Israel has told me that I can’t be separating myself from others and keeping my stuff separate in the kitchen. I told him there are too many people in the apartment, social distancing is in effect nation-wide due to Covid-19 and that I’ll still follow my religious rules and keep my cooking items separate from utensils used by non-vegetarians. 


Israel entered the apartment again at lunchtime, on a different day, as I was cooking. The other roommates were in the living room. He shouted in front of everybody, “this place smells like [expletive]. He referring the the flavors of my cooking. The others were staring at me as his tirade went on. I was offended but I just ignored him. He got closer to the sick where I was stood and again shouted, “this sink smells like [expletive], it smells like somebody took a …in there”. His insults were directed at me. Clearly a continuation of his xenophobic and religious hatred. Again, I ignored him.


On yet another occasion, Israel entered the apartment to show my room to a new tenant while I was in the room. As he swept the room and shouted that the room was filthy and that he was not out maid. He shouted that the bathroom sink was filthy, while staring at me as the other roommates including new guy, looked on, giving everybody the impression that I was responsible for the filthy sink. He claim it wasn’t like that until I moved in. Israel has been instigating harassment towards me, using other tenants as his instrument for harassing me and consequently they have been acting aggressively towards me. 


When I moved my belonging into my room, there was already African American male in there. When I said hi to him, he gave me a dirty look and rolled his eyes at me. I am a black immigrant and I am not responsible for slavery. The message of xenophobic hatred was very clear. So I let him be and keep to myself. We don’t talk to each other and I don’t care.


Not long after I moved in, I discovered that Steve, the white roommate in my apartment, is xenophobic and racist. He locks the front door every time I step out of the apartment. When I’m sitting on the stairs, even four feet away from the door, Steve locks it with key and hurls insults at me for not locking the door like he doors. The behavior is sick and not worthy of  reaction from me so I ignore. Steve has gradually become emboldened and has proceeded with acts of mischief such as switching off the internet router when I’m out in the parking lot doing video conference on my laptop, because he wants confrontation of some sort so he can have a fight with me.


All the behaviors I have described are unacceptable. The conduct of Israel, James, and all the aiders and abettors of Dorm-LA are unacceptable and I will be filing a lawsuit any minute from now.


On final note, before any Dorm-LA agent says people should get along, first of all think twice before you utter those words. 


Good day!



David Alomatsi, tenant


New information added 10-12-2020


The first time I saw Elijah in the room next to mine was around September 25, 2020. He appeared very shy, did not introduce himself to me or make eye contact.. The door to that room was ajar and I overheard a conversation between him and Steve. I do  not know what they were talking about but the both looked at me from their room as I went from the living room to my room. Shortly after that, Elijah became more emboldened he stares at me with in a challenging manner. He has been camping out in the living room on a s sleeping bag on the couch, day in and day out.


On Monday October 5, I saw Israel, the manager, in my living room as I was leaving the apartment. I had left my key behind in apartment somewhere so I could not lock the door on my way out since I was in a hurry. Israel or his “teammate” whom he had been instigating to harass me, took my keys.

Later  on in the day, I sent a letter on my intent to sue to the management of Dorm LA, LLC.


On October 6, 2020 I asked Israel about replacement keys via text and he was arguing with me. He did not give me replacement keys for over 24 hours. I had placed the payment in an envelope and texted him the location of it and told him put the replacement keys in it. But he never did. After 24 hours passed, I obtained duplicates from a local store.


On October 6, 2020 around 4: 30pm Steven provoked me He shouted at me for not locking the door as I stepped out. I went back in the told him that his conduct was unacceptable. He became aggressive. He said he wanted me to fight with him at the park. He then poked my nose with his finger, and threw a fist at me, which reached about three inches close to my face. I called the police. LAPD officers Silva and Teartt arrived at the house. Steve was charged with battery and taken away by the officers


On Thursday October 8,2020 Israel texted me that he was coming to my apartment to repair something between 12pm and 7pm. I told him I did with to be disturbed. When entered my room, on was on my bed, headphone on, listening watching something on my cell phone. He called my name repeatedly and I told him I had already told him not to disturb and that he could not interrupt me just because he felt like it. He kept bothering me and stated that I was communicating with him on the phone earlier but no I’m acting like I don’t want to be bothered. My roommate moved the bed away from the wall while I was in  it and moved it back when Israel was done repairing the outlet on the wall. 


I demand relocation cost and other costs I have incurred plus $11, 000 for their misconduct


Dated: September 15, 2020


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