









Dear Malik Gray,

Pursuant to the contract titled “___________________” and dated ___________________, 20____ (“Agreement”), the purpose of this letter is to notify you regarding a breach of the terms of the aforementioned Agreement. According to that agreement, you have violated the following particulars and I demand a refund of the money spent for that matter;

On the ____________ [Date] I made a payment of $ 4255.00 to you via________________ [Mode of payment] to create a website meant to service video games. You stalled for months then eventually left without completing the job or sending any deliverables and further blocking all members involved in the business transaction and refused to comment on the issue. In addition of the aforementioned money given, you had me pay for tools worth $ 437.22 which are not of use to me as per now due to your actions. I also purchased content for the website i hired you to create at $ 648.00 but I cannot use the content because the website does not exist. As a requirement for the website, I paid a front end developer $ 1465.00 which is also of no use for me since it was made in accordance with the specifications you gave and I cannot find anyone to complete according to your specifications. 

In light of the foregoing statements, I have lost a seasonal opportunity since the web services video games and those particular games’ season ends next month. This has increased every single notable sites sale and has been consistently more than a $ 30,000 net profit increase for site owners that I have spoken to for the same game. This would have helped me recoup the money spent on the site and other operational costs incurred. 

The total money given to you for the sake of this project totals to $ 6805.22. 

For this reason, I hold you responsible for proceeding in acts that have directly violated the terms of the aforementioned agreement and demand for a refund $ 6805.22 as the minimum amount that I request. I demand that the money be paid immediately via the business account that I used to send money to you with. 

The business account is Net Known LLC and the money was paid to you via Chase Zelle Quick Pay.

It is in the best interest of both parties to resolve this matter as soon as possible. If there is no response by ___________________, 20____, then it shall be within my rights to pursue any and all available legal and equitable remedies, including, but not limited to, instituting formal litigation proceedings against you which might lead to additional charges that you shall pay for breach if this matter is not resolved though this venue. 

I have attached all relevant documents for that effect and if this matter is not resolved, those documents will be used as evidence against you in a court of competent jurisdiction. 





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