

Dear Sir/Madam,
Pursuant to the Contract for Reenlistment titled entered on _______, 20____
(“Agreement”), I write this letter is to notify you regarding a breach of the terms of the
aforementioned Agreement. According to the contract, you have violated the following
particulars and I demand damages for that matter;

  1. Section 1(g) that states: “My acceptance for reenlistment carries promise whatsoever
    relative to furnishing transportation for dependents to overseas commands or to the
    furnishing of family quarters either in overseas commands or in the continental United
  2. Section 1(k) that states: “I am aware that in the event of armed conflict involving the
    United States, the Secretary of the Army may not declare null and void any portion of my
    reenlistment option pertaining to training, assignment, or duty, if he determines such
    action to be necessary”.
    I have dutifully fulfilled my part of my obligations under the Agreement. However, you have
    failed to honor your obligations under the said Sections. For this reason, I hold you responsible
    for proceeding in acts that have directly violated the terms of the Agreement. Unless the
    aforementioned breaches are made good, this letter formally places you on notice of a legal
    action to seek redress of my rights under the Agreement.
    For any and all inconveniences and hardship occasioned consequential and incidental to the said
    incidences, and to help prevent the same experience(s) happening to other individuals, I seek

compensation in the form of payment of a mutually agreed amount that you deem fit to act as a
recompense for the said inconvenience and/or hardship.
It is in the best interest of both parties to resolve this matter as soon as possible. If there is no
response by _______, 20____, then it shall be my right to pursue any and all
available legal and equitable remedies, including, but not limited to, instituting formal litigation
proceedings against you.
The matters set forth herein are intended for settlement purposes only and are strictly
confidential in all respects. They may not be used for any other purpose other than this intended
purpose in any proceeding that may be commenced by either party in any court, tribunal, or
arbitration, pursuant to the laws located in the State of _______.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your Name and Address]

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