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Name of the Claims Adjuster

Job Title

Address of the Insurance Company

City, State & Zip Code of the Insurance Company


Re: Demand for Compensation


Dear Sir/Madam,


On 2/05/2019, I was involved in a car accident. The driver who caused the accident hit me from the rear side when he ran a stop sign. The injury caused me to have neck disk problems and disc problems with my lower back. I incurred medical expenses in the sum of $27,498.00. The person who caused the accident was under-insured and only paid $25,000. 

I am writing this letter to recover an additional $30,000 since it is my policy limit for Uninsured Motorist Bodily Claim. I want to be made whole again. I am still experiencing a lot of pain and suffering from the accident. I still visit the doctor and buy medication for pain and depression.

I expect to hear back from you in a timely manner of no more than fourteen (14) days from the time of this letter. If payment has not been received within this 14-day period, I will seek appropriate relief before a court of proper jurisdiction for full payment plus all costs, damages and witness fees.




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