Your Full Name,

Your Position at the Institution

Your Address

Your Phone Number

Your Email


Date of Sending this Letter


Donna Gray,

Director, Organizational Development and Performance,

City of Ottawa

Institution’s Address


Dear Ms. Gray,


I am employed in the (Name of Department) as a (Your Position). I wish to bring to your attention that I’m facing harassment and intimidation from my senior colleagues.

On September 24th 2020, I went on Purpose of Leave leave for 46 days. I was not paid. My doctor filled out the Functional Abilities Update form and confirmed that I have no restrictions to work. I returned to work on November 10th 2020. I sent a complaint letter to Dean Lett, the Director, Long Term Care at City of Ottawa regarding Reason for Complaint. He never responded. I also called him twice but he didn’t pick any of my calls.

On January 3rd 2021, I was sent on unpaid leave for 3 weeks because of the Covid-19 outbreak. My doctor filled my Functional Abilities Update form again and cleared me to work. unfortunately, I am unable to work because my access is blocked.

I received an email from John Kealey, the Human Resource Manager, stating that in order to return to work, I would have to take the Covid-19 vaccine. I elected not to take the vaccine because the Government did not say that one must be vaccinated before returning to work.

Drew Haughton, a representative of Canadian Union of Public Employees, contacted John Kealey and informed him that it is not an obligation for employees to take the Covid-19 vaccine before returning to work. I received an email from the Human Resource Department stating that the City of Ottawa Medical Team recommended that employees must take the Covid-19 vaccine before returning to work.

I have been blocked by senior management mentioned in this letter from accessing the premises because I refused to take the Covid-19 vaccine against my will. There is no law that makes it mandatory for employees to get the Covid-19 vaccine before returning to work. This has had a detrimental effect on my financial welfare and mental health. I am about to lose my house and car because I have no money to pay rent or make car payments. I am also unable to pay my utility bills. I have been experiencing stress and anxiety because of this.

I would like to be paid salary arrears between the following dates: September 24th 2020 and November 10th 2020; January 3rd 2021 and January 23rd 2021; and January 26th until today, Date of Sending this Letter. I would also like to access the premises and continue to earn my livelihood. 

I request you to treat this as a complaint against my superiors for harassment and intimidation and take suitable action at the earliest.


Yours Sincerely,


Your Full Name

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