American Bar Association


Date xxxxxxxxxxxxx,



Name xxxxxxxxxx


Telephone number xxxxxxx

Date xxxxxxxxx


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to make a formal complaint against xxxxxx, an Attorney representing a fellow family member in a particular case. My complaint pertaining to this case is that the Attorney failed to satisfactorily deliver his services to my kin for some concerns as will be highlighted in this letter.  The Attorney in this case had been hired to help in mitigating his client’s sentence on xxxxxxxxxx. (Date)

My complaint entails a number of concerns particularly the violation of her civil rights. The installation of a GPS tracking device without a warrant on my kin, her phone calls been recorded without a warrant as well as the GPS monitoring of her vehicle which was searched, seized and taken apart  without a warrant in my opinion is invasive  on her privacy and unlawful as per the federal laws in the country. 

Moreover, my kin was harassed and bullied into becoming an informant without legal representation. Further the judge in this case discriminates citizens from Michigan and tends to favor Law Enforcement. Despite having this information, the Attorney failed to address the concerns which would have aided in mitigation of the sentence to a fair and unbiased one.

Additionally, the Attorney leaves the client to do most of the work. This is burdensome and unexpected of a client. He has also failed to properly advice his client on the implications of phone call conversations about a case. Besides, he failed to enlighten his client on past conviction procedures.

This case has had some implications on my family particularly living in fear especially my kin who was harassed and bullied  to the extent he had to flee to another state. My family has also been put through emotional distress due to the case.

In my opinion, a good Attorney should be zealous in his advocacy skills and put the client’s needs first and protect the client’s rights, where in this case it was not demonstrated.  Further I feel that the Attorney should apologize to his client for burdening him for work he was supposed to do as well as not providing the necessary guidance and advice pertaining to this case. 

It is to my understanding that a formal response is crucial to this complaint. I will follow up on this matter if I fail to get a response from you in xxxxxxxxxx (duration in days or weeks). In case of further information, you can reach me through the above address or my telephone number as indicated. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


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