Child Custody Agreement Between




THIS CUSTODY AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of ………… [DATE], by and between BRITTANII D. HOLLAND, residing at [ADDRESS] (“Mother”), and BRUCE D. HASTY. Jr, residing at [ADDRESS] (“Father”).

WHEREAS, the Parties began living together on [DATE]; and

WHEREAS, JEREMIAH HASTY, LAYLA HASTY, JOSIAH HASTY, JUSTICE HASTY, JONAH HASTY, and LYRIC HASTY (hereinafter, “the Children”), were born of the union;

WHEREAS, the Parties separated in their union due to irreconcilable differences as of [DATE]; and

WHEREAS, the Parties both wish to set forth their agreement with respect to joint custody and child support of the children;

Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing, and the mutual covenants contained herein, Mother and Father mutually agree to the following:


It is AGREED that the Children shall be in the joint custody of both Mother and Father, with each Party having them [NUMBER] days at a time.


Unless otherwise agreed, the children’s time shall be divided equally between both parties every other week from Sunday to Saturday.  


It is AGREED that both Mother and Father shall ensure that the other’s contact information is provided to all child care professionals.


It is AGREED that both Mother and Father shall have equal access to the Children’s school records, and both of them shall be included on all emergency and pick-up lists. In addition, Mother and Father shall each be responsible for the Children’s transportation to and from school and extracurricular activities when they have custody.


It is AGREED that Vacation plans must be disclosed by each Party to the other at least [NUMBER] calendar days in advance of any such vacation. In case of an emergency, each Party shall ensure that the other has contact information where the Children may be reached during any such vacation.


It is AGREED that both Mother and Father shall have equal access to the Children’s medical records, including any medical bills. In addition, all major medical decisions will be mutually agreed by the Parties.


It is AGREED that both Mother and Father shall individually assume financial responsilities of the children in their custody.


Child support shall be a maximum of $500 per month which shall include any and all tuitions. The Parties may mutually agree to vary the amount. This modification must be in writing.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties related to its subject matter. Any modification or change to this Agreement must be in written form, duly signed by both Parties. This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties and their heirs, next of kin, executors, and administrators.


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