Insert Your Name

Insert Your Address

Insert Your State and Zip Code


Insert Perpetrator’s Name

Insert Perpetrator’s Address

Insert Perpetrator’s State and Zip Code


Insert Date


Dear Insert Perpetrator’s First Name,


This Cease and Desist Order is to inform you that your persistent actions including, but not limited to, blocking my access to NK Airplay Radio, have become unbearable. You are ordered to stop such activities immediately as they are being done in violation of the law.

I have the right to remain free from these activities as they constitute harassment, and I will pursue any legal remedies available to me against you if these activities continue. These remedies include but are not limited to, contacting law enforcement to obtain criminal sanctions against you, and suing you civilly for damages I have incurred as a result of your actions.

I demand that you surrender the following:

  1. $319 withdrawn to Amanda’s personal account.
  2. Any money made from the Etsy store, including list of purchases, tracking numbers/receipts of shipping, and extra products. The money should be sent to PayPal:
  3. Any products with NK Airplay logo on them. They should be sent to Toni and Jaime.
  4. All logins and passwords of all NK Airplay social accounts including, but not limited to, NK Airplay Radio Twitter, NK Airplay Twitter, NK Airplay Radio Instagram, NK Airplay Instagram, NK Airplay Radio Street Team Twitter and Instagram, Hootsuite,,, PayPal, Patreon, Dropbox, Sounder.FM, Kall8, Etsy Store, Website/Wix logins and CP Panel credentials, Zamzar,, and all Google documents to be shared with and transfer ownership.
  5. Staff shirts, banners, masks to Jaime.
  6. All original (raw) audio files made with NK Airplay Radio’s name mentioned in them to Jaime.
  7. All original (raw) NK Airplay Radio Station ID’s made to Jaime.
  8. Any graphics made with NK Airplay Radio’s name, logo, and/or banner on them, made by April, Amanda and Beth to Jaime.
  9. Any “blank” inventory/products for merchandise purchased with station money to Jaime.
  10. Any printed materials including, but not limited to, press kits with NK Airplay Radio’s name/logo/banner to Jaime.

I further demand the following:

  1. That you delete all staff group chats including, but not limited to, business chats, admin chats, request chats, and chat transcriptions of station business chats.
  2. That you make me the administrator of NK Airplay Facebook page, staff group, administrator group and community group.
  3. That you delete any personal posts/stories from Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posted with NK Airplay Radio’s name, logo, or banner on them since August 2019.

Again, you must immediately stop blocking my access to NK Airplay Radio and comply with the aforementioned demands within 10 days from the date of this letter. I expect you to send me written confirmation that you will stop blocking my access to NK Airplay Radio and comply with my demands. You risk incurring legal consequences if you fail to comply with this demand.

This letter will act as your final warning to discontinue this unwanted conduct before I pursue legal action against you.  At this time, I am not contacting the authorities or filing a civil suit against you, as I hope we can resolve this matter without authoritative involvement. I am not under any circumstances, however, waiving any legal rights I have presently, or future legal remedies against you by sending you this letter. This order acts as one final chance for you to cease your illegal activities before I exercise my rights.


Yours Sincerely,


Insert Your Full Name

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