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Long Cao
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This cease-and-desist notice is to inform you that your persistent actions, including but
not limited to, sending me two hate letters with fake names and addresses, have become
unbearable. You sent me the first letter on XXXXX. It contained writing and printing from a
computer as well as Vietnamese diacritics added to it. You sent me the second one on XXXX with your handwriting. I was able to determine it was your handwriting because I had the
original hate letter with 70% same content as his signature. In good faith, have attached the
letters for your reference.
You are ORDERED TO STOP sending me hate letters with fake names and addresses
with the purpose of ruining my marriage and my life.
I have the right to remain free from these activities as they constitute harassment, and I
will pursue any legal remedies available to me against you if these activities continue. These
remedies include but are not limited to, contacting law enforcement to obtain criminal sanctions
against you, and suing you civilly for damages I have incurred as a result of your actions.
Again, you must IMMEDIATELY STOP sending me hate letters with fake names and
addresses to spread lies to ruin my marriage. You risk incurring some very severe legal
consequences if you fail to comply with this demand.
This letter acts as your final warning to discontinue this unwanted conduct before I
pursue legal actions against you. At this time, I am not contacting the authorities or filing a civil
suit against you, as I hope we can resolve this matter without authoritative involvement. I am not
under any circumstances, however, waiving any legal rights I have presently, or future legal and
equitable remedies against you by sending you this letter. This cease-and-desist notice acts as
ONE FINAL CHANCE for you to cease your illegal activities before I exercise my rights.

Yours Sincerely,


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