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To whom it may concern,


I refer to Case No. ____________  


This cease and desist letter serves as my formal notification to you regarding my intention to file a temporary restraining order and ultimately for a permanent restraining order to protect myself and my family from the Defendant’s conduct. 


The contention rises from the Defendant’s acts that ended up hurting my son. In one incidence, my son went to the hospital for a unknown insect bite on his right cheek. However, the hospital ended up removing his organ without parental consent and absent court order. The hospital is now claiming that he has cancer and was giving him chemotherapy while he was in the hospital to date. The hospital is also trying to give him blood transfusions although the doctor stated that there is no evidence that he needs Chemo. Besides, during my son’s stay in the hospital, they gave him medicine that was harmful to children his age.


The Defendant’s blameworthy conduct was also seen when I went to the dentist for emergency tooth extraction of an infected tooth. The dentist ended up doing 6 root canals and was trying to give me permanent dentures to cover up their conduct. The nurse showed me what they had done to my upper front teeth. I experienced a lot of pain. When I tried to get up the dentist pushed me down to the chair. I only came out of the sedation on time to get up and leave before they could cover it up. All of these was being recorded and watched by a crowd in the adjacent room. Afterwards, I realized that the infected tooth that took me to the dentist was untouched when I left.


The alleged misconduct was also extended to my husband. He was being harassed by the Department of Veteran Affairs until we had to tell them to back off. Interestingly, I came across an article that states that counsel for the defendants is in connection with the Department of Veteran Affairs. There is therefore a conflict of interest in this case that will impede my access to justice. 


In light of the foregoing, I demand that you cease and desist from your tortious acts forthwith.

If you don’t comply our demand, I will have no choice but to take legal actions against you for negligence, Infringement on our Trademark, and failure to abide by legal policy. This option will seriously impact your reputation. 


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: [ENTER CONTACT DETAILS] 






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