Title: Summary Judgment in Contract Disputes Introduction Summary judgment is resorted to by parties that desire to expedite the resolution of disputes. Contractual disputes are no exception. Contractual disputes are ideally suited for summary judgment since the...
Topic: Summary Judgment in Real Estate Cases Introduction Summary judgments in real estate cases come in form of foreclosure. Although foreclosure regulations and rules vary depending on the state, most states require the lender to file a lawsuit with the circuit...
SUMMARY JUDGEMENT IN CONTRACTAL DISPUTES A contractual dispute is a disagreement between parties to a contract about the performance, terms, or implementation of that contract. While some people assume that a contractual dispute must involve a breach of contract, this...
INTRODUCTION Whether you are an employer or employee, you have rights under state and federal law, and you may also have rights which were contractually established in your specific situation. Here are four types of disputes that often arise in the area of employment...
INTRODUCTION Evidence in Black and White: How Affidavits Shape Summary Judgment Cases The legal system is often viewed as a complex and time-consuming arena where disputes are resolved through lengthy court trials. However, there are mechanisms within the legal system...
SUMMARY JUDGMENT IN CIVIL CASES: AN EFFICIENT PATH TO JUSTICE “Civil Cases: Where disputes find resolution, and justice finds its path. ⚖️ INTRODUCTION In the realm of civil litigation, the quest for justice often involves complex legal proceedings, extensive...