Cal/OSHA Compliance

Employers are required to have a written Covid-19 Prevention Program. It can be integrated into the employer’s Injury and Wellness Program or be on its own in a separate document. 

Elements of a Company’s Covid-19 Prevention Program

Proper communication system. Employees should be able to report persons with Covid-19 symptoms without fear. The employer should put in place procedures to deal with employees at high risk of contracting Covid-19. The employer should notify employees of any upcoming Covid-19 test, the reason(s) for the test, and consequences for those who test positive.

Means of identifying and evaluating Covid-19 risk areas. An employer should ensure that there are measures in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. They include ensuring that anyone in the premises wears a face covering that fully covers the nose and mouth, measuring the temperature of anyone entering the premises using non-contact thermometers, and asking employees to stay away from the workplace if they feel they have any symptoms of Covid-19. There are should be measures to deal with employees who may develop Covid-19 symptoms at the workplace. 

Investigating Covid-19 cases. An employer should have measures in place to investigate. In case of a suspected employee, the employer should determine the exact time the employee was around the premises and persons with whom the employee might have been in contact. An employer should offer free testing in such a scenario. However, personal identifying information is confidential and should not be disclosed.

Correction of Covid-19 hazard areas. An employer should identify any areas within the premises that might promote the spread of Covid-19 such as unhealthy areas and ensure that those areas are dealt with.

Training and education of employees. An employer should educate employees on any Covid-19 benefits that an employee may be eligible, company’s Covid-19 policies, methods of spread of Covid-19 and how to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Physical distancing. An employer should ensure that employees keep a distance of six feet or more apart from one another. In instances where it’s impossible to maintain a distance of six feet, employees should be farthest as possible from one another.

Employers should ensure that it is mandatory for employees to wear face coverings such as masks, get their temperature checked, maintain physical distancing and practice frequent handwashing. This includes providing employees with protective equipment. 

An employee who recovers from Covid-19 and are set to return to work shall not be allowed to do so until it is confirmed that they have not experienced any fever within the last 24 hours, the employee’s condition has improved and more than 10 days have passed since the symptoms first appeared, and the employee has tested negative. However, an employer cannot make it mandatory for an employee to get a negative Covid-19 test before being allowed to return to work.

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