This Bookkeeping Service Letter (hereinafter referred to as the “Letter”) is made on
____________ day of XXX (hereinafter referred to as the “effective date”) by and
between XXX, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and
_________________(hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) to provide bookkeeping
Services Letter described herein.
This letter will describe the scope and limitations of the services to be provided to
ensure a complete understanding between the parties herein. Shantel O’Farrell will be
the contact person for this engagement.
1. Services.
The parties herein agree that the Company will use the information provided by the
customer to set up a QuickBooks Online (QBO) account for the customer to perform a
catch-up of all transactions that occurred in XXXX, and provide ongoing monthly
bookkeeping services, which include but not limited to; –
Initial Setup
i. Order CUSTOMER NAME QBO subscription
ii. Enter CUSTOMER NAME general company information into QBO
iii. Create a chart of accounts (for classifying transactions) and enter beginning
balances for all accounts as of DATE
iv. Enter company/customer/vendor/subcontractor data from info CUSTOMER
NAME provides
v. Enter standard products/services CUSTOMER NAME provides (including sales
tax rates)
vi. Sync bank account(s) with QBO
vii. Train CUSTOMER NAME to use necessary functions of QBO
2020 catch-up (7 months)
i. Record and classify all transactions since DATE
ii. Reconcile two checking accounts and one PayPal account since DATE
Ongoing Bookkeeping Services
i. Record and classify all transactions every month for two checking accounts and
one PayPal account
ii. Reconcile all accounts (two checkings and one PayPal) every month
iii. Set up new customers, subcontractors, and vendors on an as-needed basis
iv. Deliver monthly and year-end financial reports
v. Provide a quarterly report of sales-tax collected
vi. Text and email support
vii. Consult-call support as needed (scheduled upon request)
2. Information.
For the Company to complete the services, the Customer will need to provide the
following information on a timely and periodic basis:
The Customer’s company information
Answers to any questions the Company might have and any other information
the Company may require to complete the work of this engagement, such as
information about:
o Checks written
o Purchases
o Payments received
o Bank/PayPal statements
o Customer/Vendor/Subcontractor info
o Any other information necessary
3. Services Outside the Agreed Scope.
The Customer may request that the Company perform additional services at a future
date not contemplated by this engagement letter. If this occurs, the Company will
communicate with the Customer regarding the scope and estimated cost of additional
Engagements for additional services will necessitate issuing a separate engagement
letter to reflect the obligations of both parties.
4. Fees.
The Parties herein agree to the below payment set-up; –
Initial Setup (as discussed when this fee is waived)………………………………..$150
*Initial Setup begins after OAS receives the 2020 catch-up payment
Your Initial Setup price: ……………………………… $0
2020 Catch-up (7 months, January 2020 through July
*Payment is due before the start of any work
Your 2020 Catch-Up price: ………………………… $300/month
Ongoing Bookkeeping Services…………………………$300/month
*Payment will be made on the fifth of each month, before the start of any work
The Company will complete work and deliver necessary reports to the Customer by the
15 th of the following month (assuming the Company receives necessary data promptly).
QuickBooks Online Plus Subscription…………….$70/month
*Subscription is needed for any work to begin
QBO subscription purchased through OAS: $35/month
5. Disclaimer.
Any information the Company receives from the Customer will be used without any
further verification, auditing, or investigation on the Company’s part.
The Company is not liable for incorrect/incomplete information received.
The Company may provide reports which contain portions of financial information; these
reports are for internal management use only and are subject to interpretation by the
Customer’s CPA or tax professional for tax purposes.
The Company is not responsible for providing tax services, auditing, determining sales
tax obligations, or determining the classification of independent contractors versus
The Company is not responsible for discovering errors, misrepresentations, fraud, illegal
acts, or theft; therefore, the Company has not included any procedures designed or
intended to discover such actions, and the Customer agrees that the Company has no
responsibility to do so.
The Company does not provide legal services of any type. All services provided by the
Company will be performed remotely.
6. Default.
If any payment from the Customer to the Company is returned NSF, a $50 fee will be
applied, and all work will be stopped until payment is made current and the arrears
7. Termination.
Either party may cancel this Letter by issuing a 30 days’ written notice. Any changes or
modifications to this Letter must be made in writing.
8. Governing Law.
This Letter shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws
of the State of New Jersey.
The Company is pleased to work with you. Please date and sign a copy of this letter
and return it to us to acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the engagement. If
you have any questions, clarifications, or amendments, we are happy to discuss them.
Dash Bookkeeping
____________________________ _____________________
Signature Title Date
____________________________ _____________________
Signature Title Date
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