This IOU Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of INSERT DATE, by and between Borrower 1: INSERT NAME; Phone Number: INSERT PHONE NUMBER; Email: INSERT EMAIL; Passport/ID Number: INSERT PASSPORT/ID NUMBER; Borrower 2: INSERT NAME; Phone Number: INSERT...


THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and ……………………………     BETWEEN 1.ECOMMERCE COMPANY ABC, a single owner limited liability company established and existing in FFFF, hereinafter referred...


THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on the XXXX BETWEEN XXXX, a limited liability Company, whose address is at VVVV  ZZZZZ hereinafter referred to as (“Company”) AND [Insert Trader Name] whose address is at [insert Address] hereinafter referred to as (“Trader”)....

Land Contract Purchase Agreement

The Land Contract Purchase Agreement comprises of the owner who is the KKKK (K) hereafter to be referred to as the Owner/Seller while the buyer is HHHH hereafter to be referred to as the Resident/Buyer and/or his designated New Company hereafter to be referred to as...


This Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is made and entered into on the [INSERT DATE] between XXXXCOUNSELING (hereinafter “Client”), having its principal address at [INSERT ADDRESS] and YYYY (hereinafter “Consultant”), having its principal address at [INSERT ADDRESS]...


This Non-Compete and Non-Circumvention Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the [insert date] by and between XXXX whose place of business is located at [insert address] (the “Company”), and [insert subcontractor name]...

commutation application

Hello, I was wondering if you could assist me with a pardon/commutation application. I am not sure if a letter should be attached or if I should keep it brief and only use the application? If you could let me know if this is something you offer, thank you I am not...

file an amended cert

I have a Delaware C Corp named FastIO, Inc. I would like to file an amended cert with Delaware to change the name to Scope Creep, Inc. It should just be this document:

Master Services Agreement

I have three contracts which work together which I would like reviewed. They total Mutual NDA (MNDA) – 4 Master Services Agreement (MSA) – 20 Service Provider Agreement (SPA) – 10 The business is similar to XXX but for larger projects servicing large...