Are you able to revise a contract I could send you being approximately five pages and consolidate it to a single page with different boxes for easier referencing of topics? I can provide the original contract of approximately five pages to be consolidated into one...
Good evening, I am looking for someone to work on an 0-1B visa. Recommendation letters and support letters. Is this your expertise? Thank you. Please what is your quote for 10 recommendation letters and 2 support letters.
Hello, I have an assignment for my business law class. I am writing on discrimination against BIPOC and women in the workplace. Please find the assignment described below:
Hi there! I am starting a legal nurse consulting business. I am trying to create a chronology template for reports for lawyers to use during depositions/trials. I could really use your help creating a template lawyers will absolutely love! Are you familiar with...
I would like a memo drafted for a client that addresses the questions from my client, quoted below, per an email sent to me. “On the raising capital vis a vis investors, which rule do we use, we need to raise $5M and may need more that 35 investors to do it....
Have you ever written the Probation and Pardon Board for a pardon. I have a bit of a complex case. There’s Florida charges which have been sealed that might have to be noted. But, the main purpose of the letter is who I have turned my life around and I am...