To Whom it May Concern, 

My name is ___________________ and I am CCCC years old. I write this to appeal the decision by the NYPD that I am not psychologically fit to be a police officer.  The disqualification by the NYPD shattered my dreams because since I was 13, my dream has always been to work as a police officer to be of help to the community. 

I am an adult of sound mind, and I have never had any psychology issues. Besides, I am a behavior analyst as I hold a Bachelors degree in psychology, sometimes I help my father in his import and export business and I have worked as a delivery driver in the past. I have also applied for a Masters degree in business administration in _______________________ University and I am starting on XXXX

I humbly request you to consider the proposed disqualification because I am psychologically fit, and it has always been my dream to serve the people as a police officer. If given a chance, I will put my best foot forward. I am looking forward to your positive response.

Kind regards,



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