Welcome to ServiceHubConnect!

ServiceHubConnect is a reliable and secure platform that connects customers with professional service providers. 

At ServiceHubConnect, our goal is to ensure 100% independence of the service provider’s business and the freedom of the customer to work with their service provider of choice. Most rideshare companies determine the price of the ride but ServiceHubConnect allows the drivers to determine the price and schedule their rides. Unlike other similar platforms that provide such services, we are determined to make you achieve your goal as a service provider by managing, controlling and operating services on your own terms. Service providers can operate locally and globally to maximize the opportunities available.


We provide a platform where service providers and customers interact. The services to be provided are according to the customer’s needs. 

The platform provides a select- category for the customer’s choice of needs. The customer will then select a professional service provider that will perform and satisfy the need selected. On the platform, the customer will select the service, price and time the service will be executed. The customer then makes a payment and the professional will receive an alert to either reject or accept the request.

When service provider accepts the request, he/she will perform the work and notify the customer that work has been executed and finished. The customer will rate and comment on the work and click completed for the money to be deposited into the Professional Service Provider account. At ServiceHubConnect, we are just but arbitrators between the customers and the service providers and do not in any way interfere or control the professional service provider business.

For more information on our services including subscriptions and pricing, download the App from App Store and get amazing offers and coupons.

Bring services closer to you with ServiceHubConnect!


At Legal writing experts, we would be happy to assist in preparing any legal document you need. We are international lawyers and attorneys with significant experience in legal drafting, Commercial-Corporate practice and consulting. In the last few years, we have successfully undertaken similar assignments for clients from different jurisdictions. If given this opportunity, we will be able to prepare the legal document within the shortest time possible.