DATE: ____ January, 2021.

TO: HR Director,

Dear Sir/Madam,


I would like to bring to your attention the conduct of Ms. ______ at the Welcome department during night shift. Ms. ___________ is impolite and lacks manners while dealing with other employees. Complaints about her behavior or lack off have made by ___________ _________ and _________, who feel uncomfortable and intimidated working with Ms. __________. The complainants feel morally derailed and this has greatly affected the harmony at the workplace.

It considerably understandable that the workplace consists of people who with diverse educational knowledge, work experience and everyone with different talents. These diversity is supposed to be used and shared to make the workplace a good place for good results. However, Ms. _______ has on several occasions refused to share her knowledge on machine operations with other employees. This has negative impact since we are all in risk if the machines are not operated properly. I suggest that there be a skills review on all employees to with the aim of filling up the gap. There should be an assigned trainer who follows a standardized training manual.

Furthermore, Ms. ____ keeps bad mouthing her colleagues and pitting employees against each other. This has created divisions among employees and leading to formation of “small circles”. With only 13 team members in this department, it is a shame that we are not united and there is no harmony at the department. Ms. _____ enjoys brewing hatred and the department is a violent hot bed waiting to explode.

It is the Company’s policy that there is harmony and unity among all employees at all times. This will reflect on job performance and the employees’ output. Employees should work in harmony by sharing ideas, thoughts and share the gains from their experiences to ensure that there is good output. With Ms. ___________ around, it is clear that such harmony and unity shall never be experienced and hence poor job performance and general output.

Kindly investigate the issues raised herein through interviewing the staff, organize a skills review as well as employing any other appropriate methods to get to the bottom of this. 

I shall be available and happy assist.


Name: ________________

Signature: _____________

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