1. The terms of service of our company is provided on an “AS IS,” “as available” basis. Neither our Company nor its affiliates, subsidiaries, or designees nor each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents (collectively “affiliates”) warrant that the applicable laws in the various countries of operation are in tandem with the other.
      2. It is advisable for all customers to make sure that our Company’s certifications are in accord with their countries. You agree that under no circumstances shall our Company or its affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that may result from the transactions between the Company and the customer.
      3. When making payments to the company, it is required that the customer expressly agree to the conditions in regarding to the applicable laws of their respective countries in the invoice section.
      4. In the event where laws conflict, the applicable laws that govern our Company shall prevail.

Our Company only helps with the transport via other logistics companies.

For more information on transportation services and rules that govern them, visit our website



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