This MARKETING AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into this [DATE] 


  1. [NAME OF COMPANY] of address [ADDRESS] 


  1. [NAME OF MARKETER] of address [ADDRESS] herein referred to as the marketer.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and of the mutual promises and undertakings herein contained, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do agree as follows:

  1. The Service

The marketer shall market the services of the Company according to the terms of this agreement. As consideration, the company shall pay the marketer for their services.

  • Term. 

The duration of this agreement is 2 years (two years) and shall be renewed for 2 years thereafter. 

  • Payment terms

The marketer shall be paid 4% of the gross receipts of all the clients referred by the marketing company.

  • Termination
  1. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time if the other party breaches this agreement and does not cure such breach within a specified period as agreed by the parties in addition to any right or remedy that may be available to the Company under this agreement or applicable law.
  2. This agreement can be terminated if either party has or may commence voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceeding with respect to such other party. 
  3. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time without cause upon 30 day’s prior written notice to the other party.
  • Force Majeure. 

 If either party is unable to perform any of its obligations by reason of fire or other casualty, strike, act or order of public authority, act of God, or other cause beyond the control of such party, then such party shall be excused from such performance during the pendency of such cause and shall not be penalized for that.

  • Disputes

Any dispute that may arise as a result of this agreement that is not resolved by the parties shall be dealt with through Arbitration.

  • Governing law 

 This Agreement shall be construed and enforced pursuant to the laws and decisions of the State of New Jersey. 

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year hereinabove written.


SIGNED by the parties: )

……………………………. ) _________________ (NAME OF COMPANY) )

) )




(NAME OF MARKETER) ) _________________




WITNESSED BY: – ) ___________________






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